Tyler refrigeration model numbers [Expert-Advice]

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Last updated : Aug 24, 2022
Written by : Elmer Devalle
Current current readers : 9100
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Tyler refrigeration model numbers

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Tyler refrigeration model numbers

Comment by Carmen Eayrs

can't find a model number or serial number on my ge monogram refrigerator suggestions i have looked everywhere and even had a ge technician here who could not find it it appears it was removed by the previous owners who built the house three years ago we just moved in three months ago and fridge is not holding its cold hello and thank you for using this service i'll be helping you with your problem today the model number is xxx hidden on these ge monogram units there is a service panel above the refrigerator freezer door at the top of your unit where the compressor sits you need to remove this panel and the model number will actually be on a sticker behind this panel the panel opens up button i am looking inside the top of the refridge but not sure what you mean by remove the panel can you clarify that entire panel above the refrigerator pulls off so that you can work on the compressor and refrigeration system once you remove the top access panel there should be a sticker with the model number and the model usually starts with a z stuck to the compressor not on the compressor on the sheet metal panel somewhere that encloses all the sealed system unit so remove that sheet metal panel unscrew it no it would be on the front of the sheet metal panel no it appears that it was removed the previous owner bought it from a scratch and then place so no info on the fridge and no hash ass the unit isn't holding its cold in the fridge while it is set to 34 degrees it is at 47 degrees while the freezer is at minus 3 degree when set to 3 degree if it was removed you're going to need a technician out at the house to look the unit over i'm afraid since the freezer is over cooling in the freezer and not cold enough in the refrigerator it sounds like your damper assembly inside the refrigerator has failed and isn't allowing enough air into the refrigerator but you will need someone on site to be able to try and get parts and look the unit over the ge guy was here and said they can't do anything without the numbers and won't help us and would be surprised if anyone can help us without the model number just call another independent appliance expert outside of ge yes someone can help i'd be able to help if i was there but it will be more difficult and unfortunately no everyone is willing to put in that kind of effort if you have a home improvement or appliance question and want to chat with an expert now visit justanswer.com ythi

Thanks for your comment Carmen Eayrs, have a nice day.
- Elmer Devalle, Staff Member

Comment by Cordell

Thanks for this interesting article

Thanks Cordell your participation is very much appreciated
- Elmer Devalle

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